Libro / Book: Quiero ser arquitecto / Iwant to be an architect
Autor / Author: Alberto Campo Baeza (
Editorial / Publisher: Amag!
Autor / Author: Alberto Campo Baeza (
Editorial / Publisher: Amag!
La editorial vasca
AMAG, que hace unos libros maravillosos para niños, ha editado en formato
digital un precioso texto que el arquitecto Alberto Campo Baeza ha escrito con
el sencillo título de “Quiero ser arquitecto”.
El autor, que no puede disimular
su faceta docente, escribe de manera tan clara a los niños, y a los no tan
niños, que tras su lectura existe el peligro de que todavía muchos más niños
decidan ser arquitectos. Claro que a los que estén ya estudiando la carrera,
les llevará a reafirmarse en el acierto de su decisión. Campo Baeza afirma en
uno de sus últimos textos publicados que ser arquitecto es la labor más hermosa
del mundo.
Esta edición digital, que precede
a una próxima edición impresa, está salpicada de unos dibujos preciosísimos
hechos por los mismos niños. Merece la pena leerlo y dárselo a leer a los más
pequeños. Una verdadera delicia.
The Basque publishing house AMAG, which
produces marvellous books for children, has edited a delightful text in digital
format written by the architect Alberto Campo Baeza, entitled simply “I want to be an architect”.
The author, who cannot conceal his teaching prowess, writes so clearly for children and those who are no longer children, that on reading his book there is a real danger that many more children will decide to become architects. Of course, for those already studying architecture it will underline what a wise choice they made. Campo Baeza himself says in one of his recent works that to be an architect is the most marvellous job in the world.
This digital edition, which precedes a forthcoming printed version, is interspersed with the most delightful drawings done by children. It is well worth reading and giving to our little ones to read. A real gem.
The author, who cannot conceal his teaching prowess, writes so clearly for children and those who are no longer children, that on reading his book there is a real danger that many more children will decide to become architects. Of course, for those already studying architecture it will underline what a wise choice they made. Campo Baeza himself says in one of his recent works that to be an architect is the most marvellous job in the world.
This digital edition, which precedes a forthcoming printed version, is interspersed with the most delightful drawings done by children. It is well worth reading and giving to our little ones to read. A real gem.
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