Localización / Location: Moma (http://www.moma.org), Nueva York (U.S.A.)
Fecha / Date: 29/07/12 - 5/11/12
Esta ambiciosa muestra sobre el diseño dedicado a los niños durante el siglo XX del MoMA ofrece una completa visión general sobre la relación del movimiento moderno y la infancia. La exposición reúne proyectos de áreas del diseño muy diversas como la arquitectura escolar, el diseño de áreas de juego, la arquitectura hospitalaria infantil, el vestuario, los juguetes y juegos, el equipamiento de seguridad, el mobiliario y los libros.
En 1900, la reformadora y teórica social Ellen Key escribió el libro “El Siglo del Niño” prediciendo que el siglo XX sería un período de preocupación y pensamiento progresista en todo lo relativo a los derechos, el desarrollo y el bienestar de los niños, tomados como un interés prioritario para toda la sociedad. Siguiendo a Key - y dirigiendo la mirada hacia el siglo XX, cien años después de su predicción - , esta exposición examina visiones individuales y colectivas sobre el mundo material de los niños, desde los sueños utópicos para los "ciudadanos del futuro" a las realidades oscuras de los conflictos políticos y la explotación. En este período los niños han sido el centro de las preocupaciones, ambiciones, y las actividades de los arquitectos y diseñadores modernos, famosos o no, a quienes trabajar específicamente para los niños les ha proporcionado una libertad y creatividad únicas.
MoMA’s ambitious survey of 20th century design for children is the first large-scale overview of the modernist preoccupation with children and childhood as a paradigm for progressive design thinking. The exhibition will bring together areas underrepresented in design history and often considered separately, including school architecture, clothing, playgrounds, toys and games, children’s hospitals and safety equipment, nurseries, furniture, and books.
In 1900, Swedish design reformer and social theorist Ellen Key’s book Century of the Child presaged the 20th century as a period of intensified focus and progressive thinking regarding the rights, development, and well-being of children as interests of utmost importance to all society. Taking inspiration from Key—and looking back through the 20th century 100 years after her forecast—this exhibition will examine individual and collective visions for the material world of children, from utopian dreams for the “citizens of the future” to the dark realities of political conflict and exploitation. In this period children have been central to the concerns, ambitions, and activities of modern architects and designers both famous and unsung, and working specifically for children has often provided unique freedom and creativity to the avant-garde.
In 1900, Swedish design reformer and social theorist Ellen Key’s book Century of the Child presaged the 20th century as a period of intensified focus and progressive thinking regarding the rights, development, and well-being of children as interests of utmost importance to all society. Taking inspiration from Key—and looking back through the 20th century 100 years after her forecast—this exhibition will examine individual and collective visions for the material world of children, from utopian dreams for the “citizens of the future” to the dark realities of political conflict and exploitation. In this period children have been central to the concerns, ambitions, and activities of modern architects and designers both famous and unsung, and working specifically for children has often provided unique freedom and creativity to the avant-garde.
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