Localización / Location: Collebeato, Brescia, Italia (2010)
Arquitecto / Architect: Massimo Adiansi (http://ec2.it/massimoadiansi)
Enlaces / links: architizer,
Arquitecto / Architect: Massimo Adiansi (http://ec2.it/massimoadiansi)
Enlaces / links: architizer,
La escuela Little England (http://www.littlengland.it/) se localiza en un ala de una antigua granja rehabilitada. En la planta baja se encuentran la guardería, el aula "primavera" y las áreas de servicio (cocina, aseo personal y sala de espera), mientras que las tres secciones del preescolar se encuentran en el primer piso. Al tratarse de una escuela bilingüe (italiano e inglés), el cliente demandó una estructura - tanto por su distribución como por su apariencia – que se adaptase a sus específicos métodos de enseñanza. La zona exterior, por ejemplo, no ha sido diseñada como un parque infantil, sino como un genuino jardín inglés.
La guardería (de 1 a 2 años) y el aula "primavera" (2-3 años) han sido diseñadas como un único espacio abierto, a excepción del dormitorio y el baño, que pueden cerrarse mediante mobiliario diseñado específicamente para los niños. La guardería ha sido diseñada en torno a un gran espacio central, llamado "plaza", destinado a las actividades motrices. Alrededor de esta zona hay tres aulas, una sala para actividades creativas, una biblioteca y una sala para el descubrimiento y las experiencias sensoriales.En el proyecto adquieren gran importancia la combinación de colores y el sistema de iluminación. Se ha utilizado un tono neutro para todo el interior con toques de color elegidos siguiendo las teorías más actuales. Las luces fueron diseñadas como una “parte del juego” de los niños. En la zona de la guardería son como grandes discos de diferentes anchuras similares a platillos volantes, mientras que en el área preescolar se componen de una serie de tubos de neón que se asemejan al juego del "mikado".
The project was incorporated into the wing of an old restructured farmhouse with a strongly distinctive original structure. In the ground floor there is the nursery, the "primavera" classroom and the service areas (kitchen, staff cloakroom and waiting room), while the three sections of the pre-school are on the first floor. As a bilingual nursery (Italian and English) the client required a structure adapted - both in the layout and appearance - to its specific teaching methods. The outside area, for example, has not been designed as a playground, but instead as a genuine English garden.
The nursery (1 to 2 years old) and the "primavera" classroom (2 to 3 years old) has been designed as a single open space, exept for the bedroom and the lavatory, which can be broken up using furnitures specifically designed for children.
The pre-school has been designed around a large central space, called "piazza", for the motor activities. Around this area there are three classrooms, a room for creative activities, a library and a room for sensory discovery and experience.
Part of the project are the colour scheme and the lighting system. For the first one the environment has been created as neutral as possible with touches of colour chosen specifically on the basis of the most up-to-date theories.
For the lights: they were chosen to be like a "part of the game". In the nursery, indeed, they are large discs of different widths similar to flying saucers, while in the pre-school they are a series of neon tubes set like to be a kind of illuminated "mikado" game.
The nursery (1 to 2 years old) and the "primavera" classroom (2 to 3 years old) has been designed as a single open space, exept for the bedroom and the lavatory, which can be broken up using furnitures specifically designed for children.
The pre-school has been designed around a large central space, called "piazza", for the motor activities. Around this area there are three classrooms, a room for creative activities, a library and a room for sensory discovery and experience.
Part of the project are the colour scheme and the lighting system. For the first one the environment has been created as neutral as possible with touches of colour chosen specifically on the basis of the most up-to-date theories.
For the lights: they were chosen to be like a "part of the game". In the nursery, indeed, they are large discs of different widths similar to flying saucers, while in the pre-school they are a series of neon tubes set like to be a kind of illuminated "mikado" game.
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