Arquitectos / Architects: AllesWirdGut (
Fotografías / Images: Hertha Hurnaus (
Enlaces / Links: arkinetia, a barriga de um arquitecto, bellostes
La estructura compacta de esta guardería está situada en la zona norte del solar. Se desarrolla en su mayor parte en un solo piso de altura, agregándose una segunda planta con el fin de relacionar al edificio con los circundantes y ofrecer una zona de acceso cubierta. A partir del hall de entrada, un eje principal atraviesa todo el edificio. Aulas y salas de recreo se disponen a lo largo de este eje, que sirve además como una vía de conexión, ubicándose el acceso a los baños a través de él. Las salas adyacentes, que se pueden abrir o cerrar con flexibilidad, convierten este corredor en un área viva y habitable. Las aulas tienen orientación sur-este. Sus grandes huecos hacen sentir a sus ocupantes que están en el centro de la zona ajardinada. Dos patios de luz cubiertos con lucernarios se intercalan entre las tres aulas, matizando la transición entre el espacio exterior y interior, y conectando la sala polivalente orientada al suroeste con el patio de recreo situado al sureste. Unos escalones, que pueden ser utilizados como escenario para actuaciones, conducen a la "casa de los maestros". Desde este punto, tanto la entrada como la sala polivalente pueden supervisarse.
The compact structure of the mainly one-storied-high nursery school is situated in the northern corner of the site where a second storey is added in order to correspond with the surrounding building heights and to provide a roofed and weather-proof entrance area. A parking site located in the same spot is conceived with a front court character. At the same time it pervades the foyer and extends into the garden in form of a fortified and roofed playground. Starting from the foyer, the main axis crosses the whole building. Class rooms and recreation rooms are arranged along this axis (on both sides). Furthermore, the axis serves as a connection way and as space for cloak rooms. The adjacent lounges which can flexibly be opened or closed make the corridor lively and habitable. The class rooms are equally south-east orientated. Due to wall-sized windows they seem to be situated in the middle of the garden area. The two gardens encircle the class rooms on the one hand and form a connection between the south-west orientated gym and the big front garden in the south-east on the other hand. The gym smoothly passes into the exterior room. Via steps, which can be used as stage for performances, the “house of the nursery teachers” can be reached. From there the entrance as well as the gym can be overviewed and watched.
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