Diseño / Design: Alicia Framis (http://www.aliciaframis.com/)
Fotografías / Images: atomium-todayin-130[1].jpg (© www.atomium.be - SABAM 2009)atomium-todayin-206.jpg, atomium-todayin-197.jpg (© www.atomium.be - SABAM 2009 - alias-nb et Broquier)
Links / Enlaces: we make money not art, el país
Una noche en el universo alternativo del Kid Sphere Hotel(http://atomium.be/ChildrenSphere.aspx?lang=EN)es lo último en lo que se refiere a entretenimientos destinados al público infantil. Se encuentra ubicado en el conocido Atomium de Bruselas y su diseño se debe a Alicia Framis.
La meteorología local ha sido justamente una de las inspiraciones de esta artista española, creadora de la planta infantil con una docena de esferas acolchadas rojas y verdes en poliuretano, donde los niños pueden dormir y pasar una noche en el Atomium.
«Moléculas de lluvia» es el nombre con el que ella ha bautizado estas bolas que cuelgan de la bóveda de la planta superior de una de las esferas del Atomium y se agrupan para representar la fórmula del agua, H2O. Dichas bolas pueden depositarse en el suelo o elevarse para liberar espacio. Cuando están en el suelo las moléculas de lluvia están destinadas a acoger a los niños para que puedan dormir en ellas, cuando se levantan despejan el espacio de juegos. En el piso inferior de la esfera, los más pequeños pueden trabajar, jugar, leer, escribir, comer o lavarse.
© www.atomium.be - SABAM 2009
La esfera de los niños se ha reservado exclusivamente a grupos escolares de un máximo de 24 niños de edades comprendidas entre los seis y los doce años. Cada grupo debe de ir acompañado de al menos dos adultos responsables. La visita comprende una visita guiada al Atomium, el alojamiento durante una noche de los niños y sus acompañantes, la cena, el desayuno, y el uso de los equipamientos sanitarios y pedagógicos.
The Atomium is a symbol of the atom concept, because it represents a crystal molecule of metal. It was made in 1985, a time when the belief in progress, science and modernity was immensely strong. Nowadays we know the project of modernity needs to be revised. The faith in progress is put on the brakes by slowly diminishing natural resources.
For the design of one of the huge balls of the Atomium Framis wanted to keep the optimism of the times when the Atomium was built and also use modern techniques and references to atoms and science, but in a way that reflects the insights of the world in the 21st century.
A space for children is created where they can play, eat, have workshops and sleep in the large ‘water molecules’. Water, because that will be the gold of this century. Everything will be made out of special recycled material. The idea is to upgrade the perception of recycled material, by inventing(combinations of) materials of very high quality. Then recycling will be considered classy and sophisticated.
© www.atomium.be - SABAM 2009 - alias-nb et Broquier
The ball of the Atomium will be divided in separate functions: water molecules, a floor for workshops/playground, a ‘petit club sandwich’ and sanitary rooms.
RAIN MOLECULES Fifteen H2O(water) molecules are hanging from the ceiling at three meters above the floor. These molecules are translucent with lights inside. They will be huge lamps while they’re hanging. Then the floor can be used for workshops for the children. At night the balls are ‘falling’ from the sky, like raindrops. When they reach the floor they can be used as little shelters to sleep in. The space transforms into a small city of water molecules.
WORKSHOP/PLAYGROUND The floor is made of soft recycled material. During the day it is a large space with tables and chairs and objects to play with. Depending on the age of the children there are objects that can be accumulated like Russian dolls, or can be used for other kind of games. The place can be rearranged quickly.
PETIT CLUB SANDWICH This is something in between a kitchen and a bar for children. Bars are important as a place to be anonymous, to meet friends; to relax. This place is made with glossy recycled material, in such a way that it looks like a very modern urban place. The teacher/adult will be on the other side of the bar serving the food and drinks.
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